How to use Taminations to see definitions and animations
NOTE: The YouTube videos below are lessons that teach more than one call in each video and are not in the same order we teach the calls.
- 2/16/25 Dan Koft
Zoom In Taminations On YouTube
Hint: Those in the lead turn away and get behind those behind them & rejoin
Those not in the lead step into the leaders place
Hinge In Taminations On YouTube
Hint: ½ of a trade
Scoot Back In Taminations On YouTube
Hints: Like a trade but the in facers take the scenic route
Buddy call, get back same person you start with
Ferris Wheel In Taminations On YouTube
Hint: Those facing in move forward then Wheel & Deal with each other, while those facing out Wheel & Deal
- 1/19/25 Betsy Gotta
Touch 1/4 In Taminations On YouTube
Reverse Flutterwheel In Taminations On YouTube
Hints: Those on the left, go in with a left & come back to place
Those on the right follow, give their left to other & go to the other side
Single File/Column Circulate In Taminations On YouTube
Hint: Three dancers step ahead one spot, passing one dancer to get the next, one turns around at the end
- 1/5/25 Dan Koft
Trade By In Taminations On YouTube
Hint: Those facing out, Partner Trade. Those facing, Pass By (Pass Thru)
Wheel & Deal (Lines facing out or in) In Taminations On YouTube
Hints: As couple, turn around towards the center of the line AND the right side goes first, left side goes second
Right & Left Thru In Taminations On YouTube
Circle to a Line In Taminations On YouTube
Wheel & Deal (2 faced lines) In Taminations On YouTube
Hint: As couple, turn around towards the center of the line
- 12/15/24 Dan Koft
Chain Down the Line In Taminations On YouTube
Separate Around 1 or 2, to Line or Center In Taminations On YouTube
Dosado to a Wave In Taminations On YouTube
Partner Trade In Taminations On YouTube
Hint: Face em, pass em, keep turning
- 11/17/24 Betsy Gotta
Star Thru In Taminations On YouTube
Hint: Ladies Left, Men are Right Alamo Style In Taminations On YouTube
Split 2 In Taminations On YouTube
Balance On YouTube
Step to a Wave In Taminations
- 11/3/24 Dan Koft
Rollaway In Taminations On YouTube
Ladies In Men Sashay In Taminations On YouTube
Half Sashay In Taminations On YouTube
Square Thru 1-4 In Taminations On YouTube
Named Dancers Circulate In Taminations On YouTube
Couples Circulate In Taminations On YouTube
- 10/20/24 Dan Koft
Wheel Around In Taminations On YouTube
Double Pass Thru In Taminations On YouTube
First Couple Go Left/Right Next Go Right/Left In Taminations
U Turn Back In Taminations On YouTube
Cloverleaf In Taminations On YouTube
- 10/6/24 Betsy Gotta
Separate Around 1 or 2, to Line or Center In Taminations On YouTube
4 Ladies Chain 3/4 On YouTube In Taminations
Star Thru In Taminations On YouTube
Hint: Ladies Left, Men are Right
- 9/29/24 Betsy Gotta
Separate Around 1 or 2, to Line or Center In Taminations On YouTube
Veer Left/Right In Taminations On YouTube
Named Dancers Trade In Taminations On YouTube
Hint: trade footprints with the other AND you turn around
- 9/15/24 Dan Koft
Dancer Naming On YouTube
Circle Left/Right In Taminations On YouTube
Forward and Back In Taminations On YouTube
Promenade In Taminations On YouTube
Dosado In Taminations On YouTube
Stars In Taminations On YouTube
Swing In Taminations On YouTube
Allemande Left In Taminations On YouTube
Right & Left Grand/Weave the Ring In Taminations On YouTube
Courtesy Turn In Taminations On YouTube
Ladies Chain Regular In Taminations On YouTube
Ladies Chain Regular or 3/4 In Taminations On YouTube
Chain 3/4 In Taminations
Lead Right/Left In Taminations On YouTube
Bend The Line In Taminations On YouTube
Pass Thru In Taminations On YouTube
Grand Square In Taminations On YouTube
Call definitions Copyright by CALLERLAB Inc., The International Association of Square Dance Callers. Permission to reprint, republish, and create derivative works without royalty is hereby granted, provided this notice appears. Publication on the Internet of derivative works without royalty is hereby granted provided this notice appears. Permission to quote parts or all of this document without royalty is hereby granted, provided this notice is included. Information contained herein shall not be changed nor revised in any derivation or publication.